Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to our class! The following explains the mission of the tutorial and those guidelines that will be followed in pursuit of accomplishing the mission.

This letter should answer many of your questions about why we do things the way we do them, and about how we are going to proceed. The Assignment Record you were given this week (if you are in a local class) contains a place for both parents and students to sign, indicating agreement with these guidelines and a willingness to follow them.


The mission of the classes provided by Alexandria Tutorials is derived from the truth found in Colossians 2:3 that "in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." In light of this truth, it is fitting that we pursue Christ and the wisdom and knowledge that is found in Him.


In light of this mission, there are two goals that your tutor has for this year.

1. To provide the opportunity for you to deepen your love for Christ.

2. To provide the opportunity for you to grow in wisdom and knowledge.

Please note that the goal is to give you opportunities; you (the scholar) are the one who must seize those opportunities and allow God to use them to mature you. Growth is always intentional and often painful. Therefore, don’t be surprised if you have to work hard this year. And don’t think that if you are intentional about working hard to grow mentally, spiritually and otherwise that it won’t happen. It will. God is faithful. This is a worthy pursuit.

Here’s how the mission affects our daily interaction in class. In order to achieve our essential goals we must have an atmosphere that provides for learning and encouraging interaction to take place. Our classroom must be a place of respect and order. Therefore there are several rules must strive to honor. 


1. Do not interrupt another human being who is speaking. Wait for your turn. Raise your hand to indicate your desire to have an audience with the class.

2. Do not attack or abuse another person’s character or comments. It is to be expected that we will respectfully disagree with others at various times.

GUIDELINES (for local classes)

1. No electronics in class.

2. No snacks, gum, or drinks in class. You may drink water if you wish.

3. No bathroom breaks during class unless it is very necessary. If you need to visit the restroom, ask the tutor.

4. Don’t forget your books, notebooks, Bible and whatever you need for work each day.

5. Show respect for the tutor by looking at him during lecture times.

6. Show respect for this classroom by taking care of the furniture, the floor and the facilities.

7. After your class is over, if you are not a part of the next class, do your best to quickly gather up your materials and give room for the next class to begin. We have just a few minutes between class sessions. Since we only meet once a week, every minute is precious.

8. Parents are welcome to attend class with their students. This allows parents to ask questions at the end of class that will help them tutor their students during the week. Remember, if you have questions during the week, make sure you e-mail him at


It is assumed that you will do a great job of following these rules and guidelines, simply because you want to learn more than anything else. However, if you set a pattern of breaking the rules, here’s what will happen.

You will be asked to miss a class session.

If the pattern continues, you will be disenrolled from the class.


This year, payments will be made on a semester basis. If you are attending the Co-op, you should pay according to the stated schedule.  If you are attending another of Mr. Turnbull's local or online classes, please pay for Fall semester by September 29th. Spring semester tuition will be due on February 1st. Late tuition payments will be assessed a $25 late fee. This will hopefully encourage everyone to be prompt and to keep the tutor from having to spend time acting like a collection agent instead of a teacher. If you have difficulty with the semester payment, please discuss it with the tutor.



Since this is a once-a-week tutorial, you will naturally have homework during the rest of the week. A daily homework overview sheet, called an Assignment Record, will be provided.  Unless you make other arrangements with the tutor, Assignment Records will be sent by e-mail.     Please be sure you have provided Mr. Turnbull with an accurate e-mail address. This Assignment page will show you your assignment for each day and provide a place for your parent to initial that you have completed the day’s work for this class. If your parents would like additional accountability, this assignment sheet can be printed out and turned in at the beginning of the next class.


Since this is a tutorial, papers will not receive a grade in the traditional sense. However, the tutor will comment and provide constructive critique on assignments. If you would like a grade assigned to your student’s work at the end of every semester, just ask Mr. Turnbull to provide one.

Your performance is a reflection of your effort. In 2nd Chronicles 15:7, the Scripture says: "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." This is a great verse to remember anytime, but it has very definite application to your life as a student. If you work hard, you will see that reflected in your performance. Here are some ideas for performing well in this tutorial:

1. Complete all of the assignments on time.

2. Read all of the assigned texts.

3. Do your best on all of the assignments.

4. Ask God to be involved in your performance in class and your study time at home.


There are two types of absences that may occur during the school year. First, you may be absent because of sickness or a family trip. If you know of an upcoming absence in advance, make arrangements with the tutor to get the assignments ahead of time.

The second type of absence occurs when the tutor is missing due to illness or other need. In this case, Mr. Turnbull will do all he can to inform you ahead of time, by phone or by e-mail of the cancellation of class. If that proves impossible, then the mere fact that the tutor is not to be found on the premises will indicate that he is absent. Of course, we will try to avoid having families drive to the classroom only to have to leave because the tutor is truant. If Mr. Turnbull is going to miss a class at the Co-op, a substitute will be found so that class can proceed.


If you are late in arriving to class, please do your best to avoid disturbing the class in progress. Just slip into your seat and get your books out and pay close attention.


If you have questions about the content of this letter, or the content of our class discussions, or a book that you are reading for class, or an assignment you are working on, or a philosophical question about the meaning of life, PLEASE ask your tutor! The wonderful thing about asking questions is that it leads to discovering new knowledge. You may contact me (the tutor) (Mr. Turnbull, that is) in one of two ways. You may e-mail me at This method will probably have the fastest response time. 

Thank you for your participation in this tutorial. It is a privilege from God for me to be a part of the process in helping you learn and grow.



Mr. Turnbull
